“Investigation Report (the Note) Concerning the Restoration of Local Public Order by Nanjing Military Police” of the Japanese Military Police Brigade for Central China

来源:吉林省档案馆  发布时间:2015年8月16日

(1938年2月19日)(19 February 1938)

(吉林省档案馆)(Jilin Provincial Archives)

??? 此件档案系昭和十三年(1938年)二月十九日日军华中派遣宪兵队司令官大木繁《关于南京宪兵队辖区治安恢复状况的调查报告(通牒)》,汇总了昭和十三年二月一日至十日南京及周边地区各市县军队“慰安设施”状况。其中包括南京、下关、句容、镇江、金坛、常州、丹阳、芜湖、宁国等各地日军数量、“慰安妇”人数、“慰安妇”一人所应对的士兵数、“慰安妇”构成、一旬内利用“慰安所”士兵人数等情况。档案记载,日军为侵略部队有比例配备“慰安妇”,南京当时驻扎日军2.5万人,“慰安妇”人数为141人,“慰安妇”一人所应对士兵数为178人。
This file is the “Investigation Report (the Note) Concerning the Restoration of Local Public Order by Nanjing Military Police” submitted by Shigeru Oki(大木繁), Commander of the Japanese Military Police Brigade for Central China, on 19 February of the thirteenth year of Showa (1938), which summarizes the situation of military “comfort facilities” on 1-10 February 1938 in Nanjing and the cities and counties in its surrounding area, including the number of Japanese troops and “comfort women”, the number of soldiers per “comfort woman”, the composition of the “comfort women”, the number of soldiers using “comfort stations” within a ten-day period and so on in Nanjing, Xiaguan, Jurong, Zhenjiang, Jintan, Changzhou, Danyang, Wuhu and Ningguo. According to the archives, the Japanese equipped their aggression forces with “comfort women” in proportion to the soldiers; 25,000 Japanese troops were stationed in Nanjing then, and 141 “comfort women” were equipped, or one “comfort woman” for 178 soldiers.